Qualifying for Excelsior M.C. membership is based on meeting specific requirements as outlined in the Club's bylaws, as follows:
1) Pledge must be at least 21 years of age;
2) Demonstrate a genuine interest in the community;
3) Demonstrate strong and compatible character traits;
4) Attend one (1) business meeting and one (1) Club function.
Upon completion of the above requirements, a probationary member application is to be completed and submitted to the Club's board members. Once an application is accepted the Pledge is required to fulfill the following requirements over a four-month period as outlined in the Club's bylaws:
1) Submit a one-time, non-refundable $40.00 probationary pledge member application fee;
2) Attend one (1) out-of-town event;
3) Attend four (4) Club functions such as social activities, fundraising event, or co-sponsored activities
sponsored by the Club.